TitaZero History

SQC Systems was born at the end of 2016, one autumn evening, when the three associates Luca, Marco and Giorgio met and thought to realize an idea of Luca. Luca has been working for over 20 years in the distribution of drinks in general and especially beer. Luca and Giorgio had talked about it in the Heineken paddock at the Formula One Grand Prix in Monza.
Luca: “Giorgio, you have to stop wasting time on those projects where you spend time and money!
Giorgio: “Eh, show me a better way…”
Luca : “Now that I think about it, would you be able to design an automatic system to clean draught beer systems? It’s a problem that has not really been solved, despite the continuous recommendations that we make.”
Giorgio: “Yes, you could certainly imagine a system that intercepts the passage of foam, switching with a valve the liquids flow to water every time you change the keg. I am not able to program a microprocessor to manage everything, but I know a guy called Marco, who I think might be interested.
Luca: “I don’t know, it would be better to do just the two of us, but let me meet Marco”.
The meeting went well, we were a good match!
Three different people, each with their own skills and experiences, joined their efforts to realize this idea.
With the set up in Luca’s garage of a three-way beer counter we started our adventure, which began with a first prototype of flying wires and continued for two years with the development of five releases of the “system” on increasingly powerful hw architectures.
Marco: “Well, now that we have this object what do we call it?”
After giving birth to improbable English acronyms, we looked each other in the face and someone said “Why don’t we baptize it with the nickname of the owner of the garage that hosted us at zero cost for two years? The owner is called Gianbattista, nicknamed Tita for more than seventy years. Tita and zero are the two milestones! OK found it TitaZero”.
In 2017 we obtained the Italian patent and then, in 2018, the world patent PCT.
We have performed “olfactory” and “gustatory” tests in first person with beer delivered with TitaZero and comparing it with traditional systems.
Yes, of course, it is obviously a biased judgment, not scientifically proven. And here Antonio, our Product Manager enters the picture, “nerd” and expert in distributed ledger technologies.
Antonio: “I know who can scientifically validate our results and with highly specific tools. Martina is a researcher and chemical laboratory technician at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano and is responsible for the analysis and monitoring of food processes.
Luca: “Well, contact her, we’ll get the beer samples so we can check.”
In short, the results that Martina recorded were surprising.
She decided to write and publish an official scientific paper with the results of the tests, presented at the 8th PTR-MS Conference 2019 in Innsbruck (downloadable in our press/media area).
After more than two years, we are firmly convinced that TitaZero will contribute to improve the draught systems in efficiency and effectiveness and the preservation of the product.